The number of words you type in each race depends on your average WPM (words per minute). To correct the problem, type an uppercase "E" and continue with the rest of the word. For example, if the word you needed to type was "Example" and you typed a lowercase "e," the "E" would be highlighted in red. To correct the error, you do not need to press the Backspace key instead, type the correct character. If you make a mistake while typing, a red indicator is shown. Once the race counts down and says "GO," you need to type the text exactly as shown in the bottom-center box.

When starting a Nitro Type race, you have a few seconds to get situated and use stickers to communicate with other racers.

The experience you gain levels your racer and lets you earn unique season rewards.

Upon completing a race, you are rewarded experience and Nitro Cash (money), depending on how well you do in the race (your place, WPM, and accuracy). Below is a video of a Nitro Type race and an example of how you compete against other players. In Nitro Type, you play as a race car that can only move when you correctly type the text displayed. Nitro Type helps make practicing typing on a keyboard fun by competing against other players over the Internet in real-time. Nitro Type is a free online game created by Austin Butler from that was first launched on September 8, 2011, and later released from beta in January 2012.