Nerve damage is reversible when the nerve is still connected (in continuity) and the cause of the damage has been removed. If a disc has caused nerve damage in an arm, will it be permanent or can it be fixed? Nerve injury due to bulged disc is it reversible? In situation like yours, I would want to know what is causing the recurrent symptoms before I treat and an EMG (you can’t have an MRI because of the metal plate) would be very helpful.

They brought up the idea of steroid injections to get rid of pain in neck and shoulder so i can continue my career.

Don’t want to do surgery again only as last resort. My doctor wants to do a c6 nerve root block, right now I’m doing traction treatment but that’s not working, I’m trying to get some advice on weather a EMG would be a good idea instead of the nerve root block. All was well for one year now I have a herniated c5-c6 disc. I need some advice, last year I had my c6-c7 disc removed and fused with hip bone and metal plate.