Can we found a recommended one archive size fits all? Or is there differences? - Kslotte ( talk) 14:35, 12 July 2010 (UTC) Not really, I don't think. If's not subject to removal per WP:TPG, it should be archived in the usual way. If something is irrelevant, it should simply be removed. Are we able to find some suitable size value? - Kslotte ( talk) 14:27, 12 July 2010 (UTC) How do you propose separating "relevant" from "trash"? I think that's ill-advised. I see that 150KB and above are huge pages where navigation becomes hard on devices with a slow internet connection. 150KB for discussion more categorized as trash.What should the archive page size be? We should give some guideline. would be a short-term solution, while mw:LiquidThreads would be a long-term solution. That is due to that the MediaWiki subpage feature is not enabled in those namespaces. Several of the archive templates do not work properly in the namespaces "Category talk" and "Help talk". Here's why, and where anyone interested can read more: I don't intend to change any of their looks, I am just going to fix several bugs and do other code improvements. I am planning to rework some of the archive templates. People have associated it with the alt-right, Neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers, as well as those part of the Red-Brown coalition, due to there being sections devoted to them.This is just a heads-up for any template programmers that are interested in archive boxes. Several Internet memes have started at 4chan, including lolcats and rickrolling. One of the boards on the site, called "/b/", is dedicated to random topics and is often mentioned in media. When the site started, it was for discussing anime and manga, but now many other topics are discussed. On the website, users post pictures and discuss them. It was started in 2003 by "moot" also known as Christopher Poole, who was 15 years old at the time. Sites such as these are called imageboards. 4chan is an English language website based on the Japanese Futaba Channel where people can post and discuss pictures and other images.